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Rusty Sanoian traveled to Komodo, Indonesia in September and captured this amazing footage with his Canon 5D Mark II in a Subal housing, lit using the Gates VL-24 video lights.

Komodo by Rusty Sanoian - 5D Mark II Underwater Video

Eunjae 12.07 1,781


Eunjae 12.05 1,496


Eunjae 12.05 1,487

The whales of Foa Island Tonga

Eunjae 12.04 1,905

Underwater Indonesia: Alor and Komodo, November 2011

Eunjae 12.04 1,650

Wreck & Tech in the Adriatic

Eunjae 12.02 1,937

Gentle Giants - The Whaleshark

Eunjae 12.02 1,460

Wide angle footage using the Xit404 tripod bracket and legs

Eunjae 12.02 1,569

Macro footage using the Xit404 tripod

Eunjae 12.02 1,410
