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Xit404 is a nice little company that make great accessories for diving and underwater photography/videography. All of this footage is shot using their tripod bracket and legs, this accessory is amazing for creating stable DSLR footage.
All footage shot in Dauin from Atmosphere dive resorts.
Look out for a full review coming soon!

Komodo by Rusty Sanoian - 5D Mark II Underwater Video

Eunjae 12.07 1,770


Eunjae 12.05 1,484


Eunjae 12.05 1,475

The whales of Foa Island Tonga

Eunjae 12.04 1,887

Underwater Indonesia: Alor and Komodo, November 2011

Eunjae 12.04 1,638

Wreck & Tech in the Adriatic

Eunjae 12.02 1,924

Gentle Giants - The Whaleshark

Eunjae 12.02 1,451

Wide angle footage using the Xit404 tripod bracket and legs

Eunjae 12.02 1,556

Macro footage using the Xit404 tripod

Eunjae 12.02 1,399
