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2013.10.31 14:56 조회:1,477


My new dive centre in Ambon has been open a few weeks now. Unfortunately owning a dive centre is not the same as managing one and it's proving rather difficult to get out diving as much as i would like!
Still I did manage to dust off my housing and camera, eventually remember to bring my white balancing slate etc etc and get some stuff..so here's my first bit from Ambon.
It's been a good few dives. The highlights for me were the incredibly friendly Mandarinfish..they didn't care about my lights at all! In fact one kept swimming right at me! It was also fab to have the Giant Frogfish give me a big yawn and I was very pleased to see the unknown Tubastraea micrantha shrimp I had also seem in Lembeh (the little green/brown shrimp on the green hard coral).

Lembeh from a different perspective by Simon Buxton

uwkorea 02.02 994

Rolling in the Deep - Anilao by Dustin Adamson

uwkorea 12.24 2,732

Nudi Eat Nudi World - Underwater Nudibranchs by Dustin Adamson

uwkorea 12.13 1,611

Nauticam SMC + Multiplier Prototype test shots by Simon Buxton

uwkorea 12.11 1,612

Fluorescence, Grand Cayman by Frans De Backer

uwkorea 11.23 1,677

Marine Iguanas - Galapagos Islands by Dustin Adamson

uwkorea 11.18 1,371

Golden or Banana Basslet by Frans De Backer

uwkorea 11.08 1,670

Perspective by Richard Brooks

uwkorea 11.05 1,481

1st Ambon Video

uwkorea 10.31 1,477

The Triangle

uwkorea 10.25 1,835
