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2011.03.05 21:31 댓글:1 조회:2,109

Aggressor, Dancer Fleets 리브어보드와 하우징 메이커인 Gates사에 주최한 Capture the World 비디오 컨테스트 결과가 발표되었습니다.

1위 Diving Raja Ampat by Michael Marx.

2위 Papua New Guinea Memories by Ada Legowik-Chmielewska & Kris Chmielewski.

3위 Circle of Life by Simon Spear.

Honorable Mention / My Red Sea by Nick Stec.

Honorable Mention / Dutch Scheldt by Mark Snijders.

Best First Time Submission. Making it in Komodo by William Kimlinger.

관련 링크: http://www.gateshousings.com/capture-the-world/

Adobe Announces Release Candidates for Lightroom and ACR

uwkorea [소프트웨어] 03.11 2,059

Tech Diving Mag 2호

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X-Ray Mag 41호

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Capture the World 비디오 컨테스트 결과 [1]

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올림푸스 Tough TG-810 [3]

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올림푸스 XZ-1, E-5, E-PL2 펌웨어 업데이트

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Equinox HD6 하우징 - 파나소닉 HDC-TM900 [1]

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Anthis Nexus 캐논 7D 하우징 [7]

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Underwater Photography magazine 59호 [2]

uwkorea [잡지] 03.02 3,084

Scuba Symphony, Malaysia - Facebook Monthly Photo Contest

uwkorea [컨테스트] 03.02 2,413

Fantasea FP7000 하우징 - 니콘 쿨픽스 P7000

uwkorea [하우징] 03.01 2,523

올림푸스 XZ-1, PT-050 하우징 리뷰 [7]

uwkorea [하우징] 03.01 6,155

Into the Deep 전시회 [1]

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Our World Underwater 2011 결과 [11]

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니콘 D7000 / 아쿠아티카 AD7000 리뷰

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