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LAUPS(The Los Angeles Underwater Photographic Society)에서 주최한 2010 48th International Photo Competition 수상작들이 발표되었습니다.

BoS_Todd_Winner_Cage_Diving.jpg BEST OF SHOW: Todd Winner


Wide Angle 1st Place: Blaettler Matthias, "Iguana"


Macro 1st Place: Uwe Schmolke, "Alien Attack"


Behavior 1st Place: Phil Sokol, "The Chase"


Cold Water 1st Place: Bartosz Strozynski, "The Road to Hell"


Photo Essay 1st Place: Maxim Tomashevich, "Hello World" (1 of 4)

2~3위 수상작들은 다음 링크에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

원문 링크: http://laups.org/international_results/i2010/index.php

갤러리 링크: http://laups.org/gallery2/v/intl2010/

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