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Aperture 3.1.2: Release

2011.03.23 10:38 조회:1,757


애플의 Aperture3 업데이트 소식입니다.

Aperture 3.1.2 Update

This update improves overall stability and performance, and also includes the following specific fixes.

iPhoto Compatibility

  • Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when importing large iPhoto libraries.
  • Aperture now correctly handles albums contained in folders when importing iPhoto 9.1.1 libraries.
  • Improves reliability when importing iPhoto 9 libraries that include slideshows containing text slides.
  • RAW images imported from iPhoto 9 libraries no longer show the Reprocess brick in Adjustments.


  • Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding when attempting to process damaged images.
  • Olympus E-5 images with a 3:4 aspect ratio now import with the correct rotation.


  • Addresses an issue that could prevent referenced images from being reconnected.
  • Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when switching libraries.


  • Resolves an issue that could cause your Mac to become unresponsive when using brushes.
  • Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when using Retouch.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause the white balance value for certain RAW images to be displayed incorrectly.


  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when panning a zoomed image.
  • Addresses compatibility of exported XMP Sidecar files with third-party applications.
  • Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when using Align to Beats in a slideshow.


Aperture 3.1.1 Update

This update improves overall stability and performance, and also includes the following specific fixes:

iLife ’11 Compatibility

  • Fixes an issue that could cause iMovie ’11 to stop responding while scanning the Aperture library for video clips.
  • Addresses issues that prevented the Aperture library from appearing in the Media Browser of other applications.


  • Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when a camera was plugged in to your Mac.
  • Fixes a issue that in rare cases, could cause image files to be deleted when dragging a folder containing both images and text files from the Finder into Aperture.
  • Resolves an issue that could prevent images added to a library using the "Import Folders as Projects and Albums" option from being imported correctly.
  • Addresses an issue that caused Aperture to quit unexpectedly if you cancelled an import when using the "Import Folders as Folders and Projects" option, and when the source folder contained one or more non-image files.
  • Aperture no longer quits unexpectedly when importing an iPhoto library after having opened the import window with an iPad connected.


  • Addresses an issue that could prevent the Aperture First Aid from opening correctly after upgrading a library from 3.0 to 3.1.
  • Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture 3.1 to quit unexpectedly while upgrading an Aperture 3.0 library.


  • The Noise Reduction adjustment brick now correctly displays Radius and Edge Detail sliders when applied using a Quick Brush.
  • Fixes an issue that caused Adjustment Presets applied using a keyboard shortcut to reset existing adjustments on an image.
  • Lift & Stamp HUD now correctly displays the word Brushing next to each listed adjustment that has been applied using a brush.

Web Publishing

  • Aperture now correctly sets the "Photos Viewable by" setting for images published to your Flickr Photostream.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding when deleting a published web album from the source list. 
  • Aperture no longer uploads images to Flickr Pro accounts as Web Size when the Size setting in Aperture is Actual Size.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause a MobileMe account to be removed from the Aperture source list if the account password was changed at www.me.com.


  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when the "Fit Slideshow to Main Soundtrack" button was clicked.


  • Fixes an issue that could sometimes cause Aperture on a computer with Mac OS X v10.5.8 Leopard to stop responding while updating a vault stored on a network volume.


Aperture 3.1 Release Notes

This update improves overall stability and performance, and addresses compatibility with iLife '11. It also includes a number of specific fixes in the following areas:


  • Improves performance when opening large libraries.
  • Fixes an issue that could prevent thumbnails from being properly rendered when reprocessing masters.
  • Addresses reliability and performance issues when running Repair Database and Rebuild Database operations in Aperture Library First Aid.
  • Improves reliability of upgrading libraries with images containing Spot & Patch adjustments.
  • Improves accuracy of the progress bars displayed when updating Vaults.


  • Addresses performance issues when exporting heavily-adjusted images, particularly those with Highlights & Shadows, Definition, Noise Reduction, Edge Sharpen, Sharpen, Skin Smoothing, or Blur.
  • Addresses performance when using Core Image filters such as Curves, Levels, and Highlights & Shadows.
  • Eliminates black “halos” that could appear in areas of extreme luminance in scaled images in the Viewer. 
  • Addresses quality issues with Red Eye correction.
  • Fixes an issue in the Adjustment Presets editor that could cause the names of adjustments within a preset to temporarily appear blank.
  • Addresses performance issues with using the Straighten tool on adjusted images.
  • Straighten grid now appears correctly after applying and resetting a crop.
  • Fixes issues that could cause Aperture to stop responding or quit unexpectedly when processing an image with Sharpen applied.
  • Addresses an issue that could reduce image quality on straightened photos.
  • Fixes an issue that could prevent data from being properly entered into numeric fields in the Adjustments HUD.
  • Addresses an issue that sometimes prevented the correct cursor from appearing after choosing a Quick Brush
  • Fixes a problem that caused the Master Aspect Ratio setting to fail if used in combination with the "create new versions when making adjustments" preference.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding when making adjustments to images in a stack if the “create new versions when making adjustments” option was chosen.
  • Thumbnails and previews now display correctly for images that are flipped and rotated.
  • When reprocessing masters, Aperture now displays a progress bar with a count indicating the number of images remaining to be processed.
  • Addresses performances issues when zooming images to 100%.


  • Fixes an issue that could cause some file tiles to be rotated incorrectly.
  • Addresses performance issues when loading thumbnails in Faces view.
  • Improves reliability of face detection and naming when working with RAW+JPEG pairs.
  • Addresses an issue that could result in “blank” face thumbnails in Faces view.
  • When in Confirm Faces mode, the contextual menu now correctly includes the “Not a face” option.
  • The Confirm Faces mode can now be updated and refreshed by holding down the Option key while clicking the Done button.
  • Dragging multiple snapshots on the Faces corkboard now correctly moves all the selected snapshots.
  • The “include face info in exported photos” option now exports Face names as keywords when exporting masters, writing IPTC to masters, or exporting metadata.


  • Fixes an issue that caused the wrong color profile to be used when previewing an image using the Loupe in the Print dialog. 
  • Addresses an issue that could cause a thin black line to appear on the top edge of some prints.


  • Addresses an issue that could cause photo effects applied to images in slideshows to persist even after being removed.
  • When exporting a slideshow, the Custom option now includes a Quality pop-up menu in order to control compression quality/size of resulting H.264 or MPEG-4 files.
  • Fixes a problem that could cause the audio browser to display improperly when creating a slideshow.
  • Slideshows can now be exported using presets for compatibility with Apple TV and iPad.
  • Fixes an issue that could produce incorrect results when the start and end positions of a Ken Burns setting were swapped in the slideshow editor.
  • Adding an inset to a photo in a Classic and Ken Burns slideshow no longer changes the width of a border applied to the same photo.
  • Choosing "Fit Selected Slides to Main Audio Track" no longer unnecessarily reduces the length of video clips contained within the slideshow.
  • Deselecting the custom duration set for a select slide by deselecting the “Play slide for” checkbox now correctly returns the slide’s duration to its default value.


  • Fixes an issue that could produce inaccurate results when assigning photos to a GPS track path.
  • Metadata Inspector can now display GPS Direction if this data is available in geotagged photos.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent imported track paths from appearing in the Tracks & Waypoints menu after restarting the application.


  • The Keyword HUD now displays a count for the number of times each keyword has been used in a library.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause duplicate keywords to appear after merging a library.
  • Fixes an issue that could prevent photos with an IPTC Subject Code to export correctly when exporting masters with the “Create IPTC4XMP Sidecar File" option enabled.
  • Fixes an issue that caused Longitude data to export incorrectly when using the Export > Metadata command.
  • The Date Created field in IPTC Core can now be activated and set by simply clicking in the field.
  • Auto-complete of contact info in IPTC Contact fields can now be enabled or disabled in Preferences.
  • Metadata Inspector now includes a Sharing view which logs when each photo is published to MobileMe, Facebook, or Flickr. 


  • The application now displays a progress dialog when opening or switching between libraries.
  • Fixes an issue that disabled browser scrolling when in Split View with sort and filter controls hidden.
  • Addresses quality issues in connection with rendering of images scaled to below 100% in the Viewer.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the "Loading" indicator in the Viewer to disappear before images were actually loaded.
  • Activity window can now be opened by pressing Command-Shift-0 (zero).
  • Photos displayed in the iLife Media Browser on Mac OS X v10.6.x Snow Leopard now retain their sort order from Aperture. 
  • Photos synced to iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV are now sorted in date order by default.


  • Addresses issues to improve performance when searching libraries containing a large number of keywords.
  • File Type query now correctly supports search for RAW+JPEG.


  • Fixes an issue that could prevent all photos and videos from loading in the Import window when importing from iPhone or iPad.
  • Duplicate detection now correctly works with imported audio and video files.
  • Images in BMP format can now be imported.
  • Aperture now correctly rotates square images cropped in-camera from Olympus E-P1 and E-P2 models when imported.


  • Images captured during a tethered session no longer appear in the Import window, unless they are actually stored on the camera's memory card.
  • Fixes an issue that caused a "Missing" badge to temporarily appear on some images imported via tethering.
  • Addresses an issue that disabled tethered capture via FireWire on Snow Leopard.

 iPhoto Import

  • Images from an iPhoto library that are imported as referenced files can now be correctly accessed and relinked using the Locate Referenced Files command.
  • Smart Albums created using Faces in an iPhoto 8 library are now correctly displayed when imported into Aperture.
  • Portrait-oriented photos contained in an iPhoto 8 library are now correctly rotated when the library is imported into Aperture.
  • Photos marked as “hidden” in an iPhoto 8 library are now imported with a “rejected” tag when the library is imported into Aperture.


  • Fixes an issue that could cause images exported as TIFFs to have an incorrect dpi setting.
  • Addresses issues that could slow performance when exporting a large number of projects as a new library.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the "Consolidate masters into exported library" option to not complete when exporting projects to a new library.
  • Exported libraries now correctly include all pre-defined Library Smart Albums such as “★ ★ ★ ★ ★” and “★ or better.” 

 Web sharing

  • Improves memory management when publishing to MobileMe.
  • Supports multiple MobileMe, Facebook, and Flickr accounts for compatibility with iLife ’11.
  • Enables publishing to Facebook Wall and Flickr Photostream.
  • MobileMe, Facebook, and Flickr accounts can now be individually enabled or disabled in each Aperture Library.
  • Photos downloaded from MobileMe albums are now copied when imported into Aperture projects.


  • When Aperture attempts to open an unsupported video format, it now correctly prompts you to open the file using QuickTime via Finder.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause videos to flicker when multiple videos were selected in the Viewer.


  • Improves scaling of images when photos placed in book layouts have an effective resolution of 110 dpi or less.


  • Addresses an issue that could cause export plug-ins to use the wrong Aperture export preset when exporting files.

Aperture 3.0.3 Release Notes

This update improves overall stability and fixes issues in a number of areas in Aperture 3. See the key areas addressed below.


  • Addresses stability when using the Retouch brush on large images.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Retouch adjustments to render incorrectly when applied using Lift & Stamp on large images.
  • User-defined Raw Fine Tuning presets are now correctly applied to images when you choose "Save as Camera Default."
  • Deleting a user-defined Raw Fine Tuning preset set as Camera Default now reverts the setting to Apple.
  • Pressing the M key now correctly toggles Show Master in dual displays configurations when Viewer is on the second display.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause adjustments applied to images already placed within books and light tables to be displayed incorrectly.
  • Addresses issues related to Chromatic Aberration adjustment quality.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause custom keyboard shortcuts for user-defined adjustment presets to not work.


  • Faces snapshots now reflect updated rotation of images.
  • Addresses an issue with the correct display and spacing of names on Faces snapshots.
  • Addresses performance when loading the Faces view.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Face rectangles to draw incorrectly when master images are offline.
  • Fixes an issue preventing Face tiles with adjustments from being updated after merging libraries.
  • In Show Unnamed Faces, the next name in the filmstrip is now correctly selected after entering or confirming the previous face.
  • The Search field in the Faces corkboard now retains its settings.
  • Addresses an issue causing Faces to be incorrectly positioned on photos exported to Facebook.
  • Faces snapshots now update correctly when you manually remove detected faces from Aperture that have been named.
  • Fixes an issue with correctly positioning detected faces in RAW+JPEG pairs.


  • Paper size setting is now retained after canceling the print dialog.
  • Switching printers in the Print window now correctly updates to the default paper size for the target printer.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented print presets from retaining the target printer.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when using Undo after changing paper size in the Print dialog.


  • Duplicated Smart Albums now retain the correct scope for searches.
  • Addresses an issue that prevented iPhoto Libraries with a tilde (~) in the name to be imported correctly.
  • Improved reliability of repairing and rebuilding of the library database.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented Aperture from reporting minor database inconsistencies when detected.
  • Addresses an issue with thumbnail generation on referenced images after they are reconnected.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause slow performance and a spinning wait cursor when updating Vaults.
  • Addresses an issue that could slow down reconnecting referenced files.
  • Addresses an issue that could affect performance when importing projects.
  • Improves database reliability if renaming masters via Batch Change is unexpectedly interrupted by a hard drive failure or power loss.



  • Fixes an issue that caused slideshow titles to default to Custom Text when videos contained with the slideshow were trimmed.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented the Space Bar and S key from working correctly when typing into slideshow text boxes with Caps Lock enabled.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause slow performance when adjusting the duration of multiple images in a slideshow.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent secondary audio tracks from playing back in exported slideshows created on Mac OS X v10.5.8 Leopard. 


  • Imported GPS track logs now display time accuracy in hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • GPS data included in XMP sidecar files with imported photos is now correctly reverse-geocoded in Places. 


  • Query HUD now correctly handles dates entered into the Date search field.
  • Search field on Keywords HUD now performs a “contains” search to find matching keywords.
  • Fixes an issue with auto-complete in the Keyword Controls search field.


  • Now correctly retains position of Full Screen Filmstrip after relaunch.
  • Images selected using the Select All command are now batch processed in the correct order.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause watermarks to be displayed incorrectly in the Export Presets window.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause Batch Change to enter data from a previously-selected preset when “None” was selected.
  • Fixes an issue that caused video clips to flicker momentarily in the Viewer when entering and exiting Full Screen view.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding if you attempt to open the Import window while a previous import is being completed.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the Aperture toolbar to be temporarily grayed out after importing an iPhoto Library.

Aperture 3.0.2 Release Notes

This update improves overall stability and fixes issues in a number of areas. The key areas addressed include:


iPhoto Library Import

  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to erroneously report the amount of hard drive space required to import an iPhoto Library.
  • Aperture now displays an estimate of the amount of free hard drive space needed to import an iPhoto Library.
  • Addresses memory management issues when importing large iPhoto libraries.
  • Rotation of iPhone photos is now preserved when importing from an iPhoto Library.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding when attempting to play a slideshow imported from an iPhoto Library.


Image Import

  • During import, Aperture now correctly reads image ratings, color labels, and GPS data stored in XMP sidecar files.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding if both the Auto-split projects and Auto-Stack options were used together during import.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent the Import window from automatically opening when a memory card is mounted.
  • Aperture now provides correct options when importing hierarchical folders of photos into a library.



  • The amount of free hard drive space required to upgrade an Aperture Library is now displayed if sufficient space is not available.
  • Fixes an issue that caused Aperture to overestimate the amount of free hard disk space needed to upgrade an Aperture 1.x or 2.x library.
  • Fixes an issue that caused thumbnails to take up more disk space than needed.
  • Addresses stability when importing an Aperture 2 library into an Aperture 3 library.
  • Addresses some performance issues when opening and closing libraries.



  • Addresses an issue that prevented Library Albums from being exported properly as standalone libraries.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the Email command to use an incorrect export preset when attaching photos to an email.
  • Canceling a library export now correctly moves the cancelled library to the Trash.
  • Color labels on non-image files, such as video and audio clips, are now preserved in the Finder when exporting versions.



  • Addresses issues with retouching 16-bit images.
  • Fixes an issue that caused the Straighten tool to work incorrectly on flipped images.
  • Fixes an issue that caused Aperture to quit unexpectedly when Curves was used on JPEGs with a custom printer profile.
  • Adjustment presets that include brushed adjustments are now correctly rendered when imported into another copy of Aperture.
  • Fixes a temporary slowdown or potential unexpected quit that could occur when canceling the Reprocess Masters command.
  • Images are now stacked in the correct order when using the "Create new version when making adjustments" option.
  • It is now possible to pause preview generation.
  • Preview generation for adjusted images is now faster.
  • Addresses an issue where using a large number of Spot and Patch adjustments could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly.



  • Fixes an issue that could cause custom print presets to be displayed in the wrong order in the print dialog.
  • Print presets now correctly retain printer choice, paper size, orientation, and other printer settings when saved.
  • Addresses an issue that prevented custom print presets from retaining color profile settings.
  • The Print dialog now correctly defaults to the last print preset that was used.
  • Settings such as Image Size, Rows and Columns, Resolution, and Rendering Intent are automatically remembered for next use when choosing Cancel in the Print window.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent custom print presets from being saved.
  • Addresses an issue that prevented custom margins from being saved in print presets.
  • The Image Size pop-up menu now includes a 4 x 5 setting.



  • Fixes an issue that could result in a slowdown when emptying the Aperture Trash.
  • Fixes an issue that caused the progress indicator to display inaccurate data when emptying the Trash.



  • Fixes an issue that could cause a spinning wait cursor to appear when attempting to move snapshots on the Faces corkboard.
  • Fixes usability issues with auto-completion from Address Book when adding names to Faces.
  • Aperture now correctly remembers the state of the Faces and Photos buttons when matching photos in the Faces view.
  • Addresses an issue that slowed performance when using Confirm Faces.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when browsing rapidly in the Viewer with the Names overlay turned on.
  • Addresses a face correlation issue that could sometimes prevent Aperture from suggesting potential matches.



  • Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to report an incorrect number of items when the Show Unplaced Images option was chosen In the Places view.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding when opening Places with a large number of locations assigned.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when importing a GPS log file.



  • Addresses compatibility issues affecting XMP sidecar files exported with masters.
  • The Duplicate Preset command now correctly duplicates the data in all fields when duplicating a metadata preset.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause a spinning wait cursor to appear when creating or duplicating metadata presets.



  • Fixes an issue that caused externally-edited video and audio clips to lose their original date/time stamp.



  • Fixes an issue with saving changes to custom books when the custom theme is not present.



  • Fixes an issue that could cause the built-in smart albums listed under the Library Albums to filter images incorrectly.
  • Search by the Flash EXIF field now returns correct results.
  • Addresses the reliability of searches for text containing special characters.


Flickr publishing

  • Fixes an issue that could prevent the Cancel button from working when setting up an export to Flickr.



  • Watermarks are now correctly saved as part of an export preset.
  • Watermarks now remain unscaled when the Scale Watermark box is left unchecked.



  • Addresses an issue that prevented View modes from being changed using keyboard shortcuts while in Full Screen view.
  • Restores the ability to navigate photos in the Viewer by scrolling. (Turn this option on in General Preferences).
  • Fixes an issue that caused the Query HUD to overlap the Filmstrip in Full Screen view.
  • Double-clicking on a project name in Projects view now displays the contents of the project.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause projects to be appear under the wrong year header when using Group by Year.
  • The name of the version or master being processed is now displayed during face detection, export, and preview generation.
  • Resolves performance issues when using zoom in Viewer.


iPad Compatibility

  • Enables support for importing photos from iPad to the Aperture Library, as well as syncing of photos to iPad.

Aperture 3.0.1 Release Notes

This update improves overall stability and addresses a number of issues in Aperture 3, including:

  • Upgrading libraries from earlier versions of Aperture
  • Importing libraries from iPhoto
  • Importing photos directly from a camera
  • Memory usage when processing heavily-retouched photos
  • Face recognition processing
  • Adding undetected faces using the Add Missing Face button
  •  Printing pages containing multiple images
  •  Printing photos and contact sheets with borders and metadata
  • Editing photos using an external editor
  • Display of images with Definition and Straighten adjustments applied
  • Zooming photos in the Viewer and in the Loupe using keyboard shortcuts
  • Accessing Aperture libraries on a network volume
  • Selecting and moving pins on the Places map
  • Adding and editing custom locations using the Manage My Places window
  • Switching between masters when working with RAW+JPEG pairs


Installation options

Automatic Software Update

  • Choose Software Update from the Apple () menu to check for the latest Apple software.

Standalone Installer

  • Apple Downloads offers a standalone installer that you can use instead, if you wish.



  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when entering the product serial number on a 64-bit system.


  • Fixes an issue that could cause additional face recognition processing to run after adjusting newly-imported photos.
  • Addresses an issue that sometimes prevented faces added using the Add Missing Face button to appear in the Faces view.


  • Reduces excessive scrolling in Browser filmstrip when selecting and moving pins on the Places map.
  • Fixes an issue that prevented users from adding a new place in the Manage My Places window.
  • Corrects text in the Manage My Places window.
  • Fixes an issue that caused Full Keyboard Access options to work incorrectly in the Manage My Places window when tabbing through fields.
  • Corrects an issue that sometimes caused the Show Labels option for maps in Satellite view to become inaccessible in the Project Info window.

Image Adjustments

  • Addresses an issue that prevented the Viewer from refreshing after using an External Editor.
  • Restores the “Edit a Copy with” command to contextual menus.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the Adjustment Presets window to become disabled after creating multiple Adjustment Preset groups in succession.
  • Rendering of Straighten adjustment on images is now correctly displayed on the preview.
  • Fixes an issue that caused versions to be incorrectly named when created.
  • Addresses an issue that caused layered TIFFs to be flattened unnecessarily when exported again to an external editor.


  • Corrects an issue in the Print dialog that caused metadata to overlay the image preview.
  • Fixes an issue that caused borders to display incorrectly in the Print dialog.
  • Addresses a print preset issue that could cause an incorrect number of images to print on contact sheet pages.
  • Improves stability when printing multiple copies of a photo on a single page.
  • Watermarks now positioned correctly when images are printed using the "Crop to Fill" option.


  • Fixes issues that could cause the application to quit unexpectedly when importing an iPhoto library.
  • Externally-edited images from iPhoto are now correctly imported during an iPhoto import.
  • Addresses an issue that caused Aperture to miscalculate the amount of hard drive space needed to import an iPhoto library.
  • Fixes an issue that caused existing images on a camera or memory card to be downloaded during a tethering session.
  • On Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, importing directly from a camera now displays the correct number of images to be imported.


  • Now correctly prevents CMYK  profiles from being selectable when performing a JPEG export.

Audio Attachments

  • Renaming master now correctly works with audio attachments.
  • Audio attachments now remain linked to photos that are edited using an external editor.

Apple TV compatibility

  • Addresses an issue that improves the reliability of syncing updated albums with AppleTV.
  • Slideshows exported from Aperture now sync to and playback correctly on AppleTV.


  • Viewer now correctly updates when switching between RAW+JPEG pairs.
  • Addresses an issue that reduced the effectiveness of face detection on RAW+JPEG images.


  • Fixes an issue that caused the Stack pick's only option to be ignored on queries of multiple albums.


  • Addresses issues that could cause the application to stop responding when upgrading libraries from earlier versions of Aperture.
  • Addresses an issue that prevented offline master images from upgrading correctly.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly during a library rebuild.
  • Fixes an issue that caused incorrect tooltip text to be displayed when using Audio Adjustments in a slideshow.
  • Fixes an issue that caused the activity window to display the wrong number of versions being emptied from the Aperture Trash.
  • Fixes an issue that sometimes caused Aperture to ignore ‘Do not show this message again” options.
  • Video transport controls are now properly hidden or displayed when switching between Viewer-only and Browser-only modes.
  • Improves stability when ordering prints from Apple.
  • Addresses an issue that could cause the application to quit unexpectedly when entering Full Screen mode.
  • Fixes an issue with scrolling in All Projects view.
  • Loupe now updates correctly when using "Command +" or "Command -" to change zoom level.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent photos from an Aperture library from appearing in the iLife Media Browser.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to miscalculate the amount of hard drive space needed for a Vault.

A note on upgrading your Aperture library

If you are upgrading your Aperture library from an earlier version of Aperture, here are some guidelines to assist you in a successful move to Aperture 3:

  • Before upgrading, it is recommended (though not required) that you perform a rebuild of your Aperture library. To rebuild an Aperture library, hold down the Option and Command keys while opening your library in Aperture 1.5 or 2, then click the Rebuild Now button.
  • Aperture temporarily uses extra space on your hard drive during the upgrade process. This is for the purpose of backing up critical library info and insuring the integrity of your data during upgrade. If you don't have adequate space on your hard drive to accommodate the upgrade, Aperture will display a warning dialog. You may need to move your library to a different hard drive with more space in order to upgrade it, and then move it back to the original drive when the upgrade is complete. Any space used by Aperture during the upgrade is released and made available to you again once the upgrade has finished.
  • Keep in mind that fully upgrading a very large library is a one-time process that can take a long time; the process may take many hours or even overnight, depending on the size of the library. Once the initial database upgrade is complete, you can begin working with your Aperture library. However, post-upgrade processing will continue in the background for some time, as face detection and preview generation are performed. (A progress indicator and the word "Processing" will appear in the status line of the Viewer or Browser to indicate these operations are underway.) While you can work with Aperture while these operations are performed, you may experience temporary slow-downs. Optimal performance will return when all post-upgrade processing is complete.

관련 링크: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2518

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Dyron 신제품 소식 [1]

uwkorea [하우징] 03.24 2,405

Aperture 3.1.2: Release

uwkorea [소프트웨어] 03.23 1,757

Ikelite 캐논 600D 하우징 [1]

uwkorea [하우징] 03.22 3,633

Nauticam NA-60D - 캐논 60d 하우징 출시

uwkorea [하우징] 03.21 3,051

Anima Mundi 제 2호

uwkorea [잡지] 03.21 2,515

Nauticam NA-60D - 캐논 60d 하우징

uwkorea [하우징] 03.17 3,414

Lexar 64GB, 128GB SDXC 출시 [3]

uwkorea [기타] 03.16 2,561

Beneath The Sea 2011 결과

uwkorea [컨테스트] 03.16 2,237
