Aperture 3.1.1: Release
애플의 Aperture3 업데이트 소식입니다.
릴리즈 노트: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2518
다운로드 링크: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1315
Aperture 3.1.1 Update
This update improves overall stability and performance, and also includes the following specific fixes:
iLife ’11 Compatibility
- Fixes an issue that could cause iMovie ’11 to stop responding while scanning the Aperture library for video clips.
- Addresses issues that prevented the Aperture library from appearing in the Media Browser of other applications.
- Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when a camera was plugged in to your Mac.
- Fixes a issue that in rare cases, could cause image files to be deleted when dragging a folder containing both images and text files from the Finder into Aperture.
- Resolves an issue that could prevent images added to a library using the "Import Folders as Projects and Albums" option from being imported correctly.
- Addresses an issue that caused Aperture to quit unexpectedly if you cancelled an import when using the "Import Folders as Folders and Projects" option, and when the source folder contained one or more non-image files.
- Aperture no longer quits unexpectedly when importing an iPhoto library after having opened the import window with an iPad connected.
- Addresses an issue that could prevent the Aperture First Aid from opening correctly after upgrading a library from 3.0 to 3.1.
- Resolves an issue that could cause Aperture 3.1 to quit unexpectedly while upgrading an Aperture 3.0 library.
- The Noise Reduction adjustment brick now correctly displays Radius and Edge Detail sliders when applied using a Quick Brush.
- Fixes an issue that caused Adjustment Presets applied using a keyboard shortcut to reset existing adjustments on an image.
- Lift & Stamp HUD now correctly displays the word Brushing next to each listed adjustment that has been applied using a brush.
Web Publishing
- Aperture now correctly sets the "Photos Viewable by" setting for images published to your Flickr Photostream.
- Addresses an issue that could cause Aperture to stop responding when deleting a published web album from the source list.
- Aperture no longer uploads images to Flickr Pro accounts as Web Size when the Size setting in Aperture is Actual Size.
- Fixes an issue that could cause a MobileMe account to be removed from the Aperture source list if the account password was changed at www.me.com.
- Fixes an issue that could cause Aperture to quit unexpectedly when the "Fit Slideshow to Main Soundtrack" button was clicked.
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